Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Google Reader

Today I opened my google reader account. I find this concept really great because it allows me to read updates quickly and easily without searching for the website. I chose to add websites today from the resources section that I felt would aid me as a teacher. Many of the sites were related to technology and education. By having these sites handy I can quickly look to see what new ideas and technologies will be approaching the educational field in the future. I can be more tech savvy and ready to adapt and learn new skills. I also added a news feed from a local news station so that I can easily update myself on local news happenings without even having to type in the website. As I think about the use of Google Reader in the classroom I could definitely see it as a way to keep up with current events. For example, if there was a hurricane, you could subscribe to one of the weather sites and get automatic updates every few hours. Google Reader is a great way to save time!